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The reason that there's no 'starting point' and it's not linear, nor is it a matter of looking down, is because we are energy, not atoms nor sub-atomic particles. Dabrowski didn't have access to modern information about plasma the 4th state of matter (after solid, liquid, gas). Trauma is the most significant factor in disease. Gabor Mate's 2022 book The Myth Of Normal explains this very well. Again Dabrowski didn't have access to this. A 'world without war' is not distant, except when we say it is. We have been conditioned to believe the propaganda and lies of the cults that pre-date the Holodomor. GrahamHancock.com understands and explains a lot of the possibilities of past human development. So does Robert-Temple.com. So did Gill Edwards' LivingMagically.co.uk. Sadly words and language distort meanings and our perceived realities. Dabrowski was a genius, but Michael Piechowski is correct about intuition. Intuition is an outlet/expression of energy, rather than scientific theory. Information theory is different to scientific theory. Native American Indian wisdoms and lifestyles are much closer to human authenticity than the conditioning of the past several centuries. Read Graham Hancock's 2019 book America Before - The Key to Earth's Lost Civilization, and see his latest updates on twitter @Graham_Hancock.

All that said, thank you for another wonderful episode.

There is a limit to what we can do in a lifetime, but 'a human lifetime' is a very narrow and limited perspective by which to contextualise anything.

We must also consider that human and animal and plant energies of consciousness and sentience are always connected, which is infinitely faster than Einstein's theory of the speed of light. That said, e=mc2 is mathematical nonsense, in the same way that all mathematical formulae are nonsense. Love has no mass. Nor do any of the vital elements of human evolution, such as intuition, thought, feeling, cooperation, conversation, etc. It's a soul thing. A love thing. We are energy not mathematical expressions of nonsense.

Love, gratitude, peace, etc., and a world without war. It's coming, much faster than you can imagine it, and then we'll understand :)

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