Dec 26, 2023Liked by Dr. Chris Wells, Emma Nicholson

Our age and experiences often affect our soul goals. Sometimes people yo-yo between authenticity and banal goals of attainment. When I first learned about the concepts of self-actualization and authenticity at about age 40, I knew I wanted those. My soul-goals took shape then. Many of the features were clearly within me already, but the fact that I was emotionally flailing showed me I wasn’t “there” yet. It’s a journey and there are more people actively on that journey than many people realize. If you are one of those people, Keep at it. It’s possible.

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Dec 26, 2023Liked by Dr. Chris Wells, Emma Nicholson

I love the term "Soul Goals" (rhyming tickles my brain in a certain pleasant way). During my 20's my goals were very much around personal and professional development. It was sad but back then for me personal development was more about appearing successful to others and ticking all the boxes in life of what I "should" desire. I have found the more I focus on my Soul Goals the more those come with ease but in a way that fits with my values and nourishes my soul.

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Dec 26, 2023Liked by Dr. Chris Wells, Emma Nicholson

Thank you Emma. While I could reflect a huge amount very positively in response to your words/voice above, I'll just say that (to me) you articulate a sort of blueprint for humanity's reinvention or rebirth; moreover I believe that this is what's happening across the world in recent years, and ongoing.

I believe that the energies of love, forgiveness, compassion (especially for oneself) and many other 'Soul Goals' that you list and allude to, are the fuel of healthy human evolution and transcendence.

I also love 'Soul Goals' as a way to describe these fundamentally meaningful aims of a life.

I love the other comments and energies here too, thank you all.

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