We’re only 62 days from the Dabrowski Congress, and preparations are underway. We’ve been sharing videos on YouTube and social media from presenters, and the registrations have been coming in steadily.
Will you be attending the Dabrowski Congress from July 11 to 13, 2024?
We’d love to see you either virtually or in person. I’ll be there virtually, and as an Australian I’m very excited, because we will have sessions at times which will suit people from all parts of the globe!
You can also order the recordings only or join in Colorado for dinner at the University of Denver on Saturday, July 13, at the conclusion of the conference. Read about the options here.
Note that we also have three sponsorship tiers available for businesses and individuals who want to support our efforts.
Click here for the list of presenters, sessions, and the tentative schedule.
Click the button below to register on Eventbrite.
G'day. I'm Emma Nicholson, one of the organizers of the 2024 Dabrowski Congress, which is happening this July 11-13. I'll be one of the keynote speakers where the theme is Living the Theory. But what exactly is the theory?
Kazimierz Dabrowski was a Polish psychologist and psychiatrist who developed the theory of positive disintegration, which explains how personality can develop through psychological tension and difficult emotions.
He saw how human values can change as we go through inner turmoil. When we question ourselves and our old self disintegrates and falls away. When that happens, we have to consider who it is that we truly ought to be. Finding Dabrowski changed my life. It helped me through struggles. It helped me understand myself and my past.
And it gave me the tools to find myself and my happiness. So, my keynote is “The Light at the End of the Disintegration Tunnel.” I'll share things I've come to learn since finding the theory, about myself, my hacks and tips for doing self-therapy, and things which might give you a bit of hope as you make your way towards the light.
Because, let's face it, even when you have the tools, disintegration is a total sh*t show. I want to help you focus on the light, so you can make your way out of the dark. Because, to me, that's what living the theory is all about.
So, please join us in July, virtually or in person in Denver. Visit the Dabrowski Center to register and secure your place today, and I'll see you there.
Please consider sharing this post with others who may want to join us!
Let's raise enough money for DC that you can at least fly to Denver every 2 years 😭 so so SO amped for this!!